You need antibiotics. Although this post is brief, it is very important for you to research this subject. You must have an emergency medical kit, which includes medications. Antibiotics should try to be required because, although not good for you when not necessary, they will save lives in the event of the unavailability of medical facilites for an extended time. In a situation where sanitation is compromised and people have to perform unfamiliar tasks like chopping wood, injury and infection will happen. Tragically, people have died, even in recent years, from minor infections that could have been contained by a simple antibiotic.
How to you get antibiotics for your kit? If you have a good rapport with your doctor, ask them if they will give you a prescription for your emergency kit. Otherwise, you can get them online. However, many online pharmacies require a prescription or membership to their site that requires you to purchase regularly. Instead you may want to try, which is a veterinary pharmacy and supply website. There is a company called Thomas Labs that makes antibiotics for fish tanks which many people claim are the same substances that go into human prescription capsules, even manufactured in the same facilities. In addition, they come in proper dosages, like 250mg or 500mg. On, look for "Antiobiotics" on the left of the page in the menu, and then choose "Tablet & Capsule Antibiotics." There are many different antibiotics available here; you will find most of what you need. They are also inexpensive! Of note: pill forms will last many years past their expiration, but liquids do not. Also, not all animal drugs transfer to humans, so remember that before you run down to the feed store. But these in particular may be a great solution for your emergency needs.
Don't forget to purchase a pharmaceutical guide like this to help you identify the uses of your medications. Or find other resources of reliable information on usages and dosages to print out and put in an emergency notebook. It is of extreme importance that you use these drugs CORRECTLY. Antibiotics are not to be used lightly, and each antibiotic will have a different effect! Do your research!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Storable Fuel: Instafire
Watch this.
Read this.
Order here!
(Regular price of $59.95, but FREE shipping at this site!)
Emergency Essentials also sells a similar product called Fired Up! They both claim that 2 cups will burn 30 minutes, so I did a price comparison.
I'd go with the Instafire since you get free shipping at the website above.
Read this.
Order here!
(Regular price of $59.95, but FREE shipping at this site!)
Emergency Essentials also sells a similar product called Fired Up! They both claim that 2 cups will burn 30 minutes, so I did a price comparison.
- Fired Up! is in a 4 gallon bucket at 13lbs for about $47.95.
- Instafire is a 5 gallon bucket at 20lbs for about $59.95.
- Instafire states their bucket contains 80 cups of product.
- Emergency Essentials was not able to tell me how many cups are in a 4 gallon bucket of Fired Up!, but I can do simple math... a 4 gallon bucket must have about 64 cups (16 cups in a gallon X 4).
I'd go with the Instafire since you get free shipping at the website above.
Self-Reliant Cooking
Buckets and Barrels for Storage... How Do I Use Them?
For food items that you use often and go through quickly in the kitchen, consider packing them in bulk, in buckets. You can go to restaurants or bakeries and ask for used buckets, which you can sometimes get FREE, but you may only get 1 or 2 at a time. OR go to the donut shop like Shipley's... you can usually get a bunch all at once for about $1-$2 each, and they often have a variety of sizes. Shipley's uses square 4 gallon buckets, which store more efficiently one next to another. How much can buckets hold? Shipley's buckets will hold about 30lbs of wheat, and a round 5 to 6 gallon bucket will hold about 37-45lbs, respectively. Here is a print out with estimates for other food items.
Clean them with soap and water. If they have a persistent smell, clean them with vinegar or bleach and let them sit in the sun for a day or two to draw the residues out. Your food isn't actually going to touch the bucket surface. That's because, UNLESS you have a brand new unused food-grade bucket, you will need to purchase a mylar liner to keep oils and flavors from previous food from transferring to whatever you put in it. This helps it store longer too, as some bucket lid seals may not be 100% airtight. The mylar bag will ensure a moisture barrier--long term items need to be at or below a 10% moisture level... so very DRY--and an air barrier--although miniscule, there is still a transfer of air through the plastic wall of a bucket. (However, if you are using a new sealed unlined bucket, you have at least 5 years before that would be a concern, ESPECIALLY with a hard-shelled kernel like wheat). Still, instead of buying new buckets, the least expensive thing to do is buy used buckets and large mylar bags. You can order these bucket-size mylar bags online at places like USA Emergency Supply or Emergency Essentials. Also purchase oxygen absorbers (which are cheapest at the cannery... a pack of 100 for $10+ tax). You will use at least 2 per bucket (more for less dense-packing foods, like dehydrated apple slices). Then you will seal it with a flat iron (or iron against a flat, heat-safe surface like a board, see a video on that here). When you've got it all together it will go like this:
Clean them with soap and water. If they have a persistent smell, clean them with vinegar or bleach and let them sit in the sun for a day or two to draw the residues out. Your food isn't actually going to touch the bucket surface. That's because, UNLESS you have a brand new unused food-grade bucket, you will need to purchase a mylar liner to keep oils and flavors from previous food from transferring to whatever you put in it. This helps it store longer too, as some bucket lid seals may not be 100% airtight. The mylar bag will ensure a moisture barrier--long term items need to be at or below a 10% moisture level... so very DRY--and an air barrier--although miniscule, there is still a transfer of air through the plastic wall of a bucket. (However, if you are using a new sealed unlined bucket, you have at least 5 years before that would be a concern, ESPECIALLY with a hard-shelled kernel like wheat). Still, instead of buying new buckets, the least expensive thing to do is buy used buckets and large mylar bags. You can order these bucket-size mylar bags online at places like USA Emergency Supply or Emergency Essentials. Also purchase oxygen absorbers (which are cheapest at the cannery... a pack of 100 for $10+ tax). You will use at least 2 per bucket (more for less dense-packing foods, like dehydrated apple slices). Then you will seal it with a flat iron (or iron against a flat, heat-safe surface like a board, see a video on that here). When you've got it all together it will go like this:
- Clean and thoroughly dry bucket and turn on your iron
- Place mylar bucket liner into bucket, opened up.
- Quickly pull out two O2 absorbers and throw one into the empty bag, then reseal your absorbers bag.
- Immediately pour your wheat or other food item in (as full as you can while still allowing room for the excess mylar material to fold down and the lid to fit on top)
- Push the second O2 aborber into the food at the top
- Pull the bag tight and flat and clamp your flat iron down along the top for about 3 seconds to begin sealing, starting at one edge of the bag and continuing, keep material taught. Rather than dragging it across, clamp down for 3 seconds, then lift, move down, and overlap onto the part you just sealed just a bit and clamp again.
- Once you have just a bit left open on the other edge, push all the air out that you can and then finish sealing
- Make sure you have no folds in the material where you are sealing, it needs to be flat and at least 1/2" wide so you have a wide seal with no bumps or wrinkles
- Don't put the bucket lid on until the next day--that way you will be able to see if it vacuumed properly
- You can carefully cut notches at the sides of your bag under the seal you made (but not into the seal on the side!) so they can be ripped open in the event you have no tools. When you are ready to use the food, cut off the seal just below or rip the bag open from the notch. When your bucket is empty, you can refill and reuse the mylar lining!
**I recommend packing several buckets or additional smaller mylar bags at the same time so that when you open those O2 absorbers you can get a handful out at once and process 6-12 containers at once, in quick succession. That way you are not constantly opening your O2 bag and exposing the absorbers**
Stack buckets ONLY 3 to 4 high, or your bottom bucket can buckle. For round buckets, you can purchase "Gamma lids," which are about $8 each and make opening and closing your bucket EASY and QUICK!
In a humid climate, storing grains in barrels is not wise, but they are fantastic for water or non-food items. For food or water, the barrel again needs to be food grade, and you should not set it on concrete where chemicals may leach into the plastic (slip a board under it or put it on cinder blocks). 55 gallon to 275 gallon containers are available on for about $18 to $100, used. You will see a choice of bung top or open-top, which means you will have holes with caps (bungs) or the entire top will screw off. The open-top (usually about $25) are much easier to clean, and are a must if you are filling them with anything other than water.
Once you acquire your barrel, you can clean it with pool shocking chemicals by partially filling it and rolling it around every couple hours to get all sides. If you cannot get your barrel 100% spotless, don't worry--if you are unsure you can use this water just for washing, or plan to filter it for drinking (which I will be discussing in an upcoming post!). However, after filling your clean barrel with 55 gallons of water, add 1/2 cup of unscented bleach and your water should be disinfected and no further microorganisms should growing while it is sealed. If properly disinfected, the water should be good for 3-5 years
There are accessories you will want to have on hand, like new clean bung caps (for bung tops), a spigot, a syphon, and perhaps a hand pump. These items will make it convenient to get the water out. Remember to place your barrels where you definitely want them and in the most accessible position before you fill them. They will weigh about 400 lbs full.
Once you acquire your barrel, you can clean it with pool shocking chemicals by partially filling it and rolling it around every couple hours to get all sides. If you cannot get your barrel 100% spotless, don't worry--if you are unsure you can use this water just for washing, or plan to filter it for drinking (which I will be discussing in an upcoming post!). However, after filling your clean barrel with 55 gallons of water, add 1/2 cup of unscented bleach and your water should be disinfected and no further microorganisms should growing while it is sealed. If properly disinfected, the water should be good for 3-5 years
There are accessories you will want to have on hand, like new clean bung caps (for bung tops), a spigot, a syphon, and perhaps a hand pump. These items will make it convenient to get the water out. Remember to place your barrels where you definitely want them and in the most accessible position before you fill them. They will weigh about 400 lbs full.
Don't store them in direct sunlight, as this hastens the breaking down of the plastic into the water. Do not store near chemical that may vapor. Keep them up off the concrete and out of the rain.
You can also store charcoal, clothing, etc. in these barrels. Make sure you have a watertight seal. Do NOT store anything that needs to "breathe," like cans of liquid fuels. Propane, kerosene, gasoline, butane, white gas... all of these very flammable fuels need to be stored OUTSIDE of your house in a safely protected but well-ventilated container, like a vented locking shelf unit or garden shed, as any escaping vapors need to be able to safely disburse.
Stored water is one of the most basic things you should have. Do not trust that you will always have notice before a contamination in the water system occurs. You should store 1 gallon of water per person, per day, for AT LEAST 3 days BARE MINIMUM, but we are counseled to try to obtain a 2 week supply. For a family of 4, you need at least one 55 gallon drum.
Packing Food
Volcano Stove
The Volcano 2 is your solution to cooking without electricity. You can use almost any fuel: wood, charcoal, propane (you pay a little more for this attachment), even this product.... It is light weight (about 20lbs) and VERY easy to set up, clean, and take down. It will hold all kinds of pots, and works great with dutch ovens. It can set on the ground or on a table without overheating things around it. You can buy a lid for it to convert it to an oven (~$25) so you can BAKE, although I haven't tried this and don't know how well it works. Another cool thing about the lid is you can put it on over your dutch oven to keep it heating properly instead of setting coals on top of the lid. Also consider the Handy Handle (~$12), a lid-lifter which will allow you to remove your dutch oven lid and rest it on the side of the Volcano. When you catch a sale, expect to pay about $130 for your Volcano 2 with the propane attachment. (By the way, it is called the Volcano "2" because the first Volcano was non-collapsing.) Of note, I have read several times that you only need 300lbs of charcoal to cook with the Volcano for a YEAR. Click here for a written review.
Check it out:
Self-Reliant Cooking
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Homemade Electrolyte Drink
Most likely, you are aware of the dangers of diarrhea and dehydration, especially in the event of an emergency. In fact, if you do not have clean water and proper sanitation, you can bet you will have to deal with it. Diarrhea and dehydration is life threatening! Here, from, is a recipe to making your own electrolyte drink, because plain water won't be enough!
Don't forget zinc tablets!
"The best treatment for diarrhoea is to (1) drink lots of liquids and oral rehydration salts (ORS), properly mixed with clean water from a safe source, and (2) take zinc tablets or syrup for 10–14 days."
An inexpensive home-made solution (for adults) consists of:
- 1 litre of water (about 34 ounces or a little over 4 cups), mixed with
- 8 teaspoons of sugar,
- 1 teaspoon of table salt.
The amount of rehydration that is needed depends on the size of the individual and the degree of dehydration. Rehydration is generally adequate when the person no longer feels thirsty and has a normal urine output. A rough guide to the amount of oral rehydration solution (or ORS) needed in the first 4-6 hours of treatment for a mildly dehydrated person is:
- Up to 11 lb: 200 – 400 ml
- 11-22 lb: 400 – 600 ml
- 22-33 lb: 600 – 800 ml
- 33–44 lb: 800 – 1000 ml
- 44-66 lb: 1000 – 1500 ml
- 66-88 lb: 1500 – 2000 ml
- 88 lb +: 2000-4000 ml
Don't forget zinc tablets!
"The best treatment for diarrhoea is to (1) drink lots of liquids and oral rehydration salts (ORS), properly mixed with clean water from a safe source, and (2) take zinc tablets or syrup for 10–14 days."
Self-Reliant Health
"Medical Corps" Website
Look through these safety handouts and print them for your preparedness notebook.
Also consider printing the medical info on this page for reference, especially this one on antibiotics. I will be discussing the purchasing and storing of antibiotics for long term soon.
Also consider printing the medical info on this page for reference, especially this one on antibiotics. I will be discussing the purchasing and storing of antibiotics for long term soon.
Self-Reliant Health
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